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Living Life

Life has many ups and down, twists and turns. It can be exciting and scary at the same time. Even so, we should just go, move forward, take everything in, and simply learn to live it the best way possible.


Life, they say, is like a rollercoaster. Lets learn to enjoy the ride!

Filipino hospitality. Let's make the world a better place, one person at a time.

Be, but don't just be. Live. Survive. Thrive. Do it for yourself, and for your loved ones.

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Smile, and the whole world smiles back

at you

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Lets stay young forever!

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Speak from a place of love and peace.

You can see beauty if you want to



Time reminds me that there is so much

more to life

Slowdown. Take care of myself, my

health, before anything else 

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Sometimes, you have to let go and let God

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Loved ones never leave us. They'll always be in our happy hearts

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Every experience is worth celebrating

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If we simply learn to accept our differences, life would be much more awesome


When challenges come our way, accept them and focus on seeing what good we can get out of them. Believe that we can, and will, come out a better person with a better life

Believe that as you move forward, life will unravel and you will begin to find a path again, your path.

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No regrets, just learnings. No frustrations, just inspirations. Take these learnings and inspirations and live your present


Letting go can be a sign of strength and a start of something new

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Others' opinions can be another perspective

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Everyone is busy with their own lives. So if someone does something for you, thank them


Let your decisions be based on goodness


Do what you have to do to find peace amidst all the noise around us

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Find that balance between the self & others

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No matter how hard life may be at some point, choose to believe and see the good.

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Just live life and embrace life. As long as you decide, you will be happy.

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Life is all about perspectives. Choose the one that'll make you happy

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No matter what happens outside, just look inward and harness your inner light


Gratitude is synonymous to positivity. Both lead to happiness

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Every time you are starting to have some ill feelings towards others, remember, to each his own.

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When God closes a door, don't look for a window. Look for the key.. because He gave it to you.

Past - accept it. Learn from it. Move on from it


Pause. Find the strength & courage to take in everything. Reflect

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Be that bringer of positive change you want.

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